/manager/Index en-au 5 Efficacy of technology-based personalised feedback on diet quality in young Australian adults: Results for the Advice, Ideas and Motivation for My Eating (Aim4Me) randomised controlled trial /manager/Repository/uon:51194 0·05). The proportion of participants who visited the thirteen website pages ranged from 0·6 % to 75 %. Half (Group 2 = 53 %, Group 3 = 52 %) of participants who completed the process evaluation (Group 2, n 111; Group 3, n 90) were satisfied with the programme. Conclusion: Recruiting and retaining young adults in web-based dietary interventions are challenging. Future research should consider ways to optimise these interventions, including co-design methods.]]> Wed 30 Aug 2023 10:06:52 AEST ]]> Are dietetics educators' attitudes to assessment a barrier to expanding placement opportunities? Results of a Delphi study /manager/Repository/uon:29241 Wed 27 Apr 2022 14:49:48 AEST ]]> Nudging consumers towards healthier choices: a systematic review of positional influences on food choice /manager/Repository/uon:26539 Wed 11 Apr 2018 13:23:43 AEST ]]> Current practice, perceived barriers and resource needs related to measurement of dietary intake, analysis and interpretation of data: A survey of Australian nutrition and dietetics practitioners and researchers /manager/Repository/uon:40647 Wed 10 Aug 2022 12:06:25 AEST ]]> Eating behaviors and diet quality: a national survey of Australian young adults /manager/Repository/uon:51339 Tue 25 Jun 2024 14:49:20 AEST ]]> Comparison of energy intake in toddlers assessed by food frequency questionnaire and total energy expenditure measured by the doubly labeled water method /manager/Repository/uon:14516 Thu 20 Sep 2018 15:15:00 AEST ]]> Do disparities exist between national food group recommendations and the dietary intakes of contemporary young adults? /manager/Repository/uon:40266 Thu 07 Jul 2022 12:09:36 AEST ]]> Great 'app-eal' but not there yet: a review of iPhone nutrition applications relevant to child weight management /manager/Repository/uon:28148 12 years were identified. Key words were chosen to identify apps applicable to children, focusing on nutrition. Results: A total of 27 apps were included. Most apps (24/27) were not based on evidence-informed recommendations. A third of apps were developed in the USA (n = 10; 37%) and were free (67%), nine apps required upfront payment, with a mean cost of $A2.80 (range $A0.99-$A7.49). The most common nutrition features were the promotion of energy balance (n = 12 apps) and guidance on appropriate portion size (n = 15). The most common behaviour change feature was goal setting (n = 15). The five apps that scored most highly against the characteristics reviewed were: Calorie Counter Pro by My Net Diary, Weight Watchers, Swap It Don't Stop It, Control My Weight by CalorieKing and Rate What I Ate-Photo Diet Tracker. Conclusions: Very few apps were identified that could be used in education or support behavioural interventions for child obesity. There is a need to harness this technology and evaluate the applicability and use within childhood obesity research interventions.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:36:38 AEDT ]]> Evaluation of assessment in the context of work-based learning: qualitative perspectives of new graduates /manager/Repository/uon:25668 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:28:05 AEDT ]]> Participant recruitment for paediatric research using social media: A practical ‘how-to’ guide for researchers /manager/Repository/uon:53544 Mon 04 Dec 2023 15:58:39 AEDT ]]> Exploring the diets of mothers and their partners during pregnancy: Findings from the Queensland Family Cohort pilot study /manager/Repository/uon:51742 Fri 15 Sep 2023 18:14:09 AEST ]]>